Orders placed on working days will usually be shipped within 48 hours. Orders placed on Friday after 12 or on weekends will be sent the following Monday. All orders are shipped via PostNL. Orders can not be delivered to a mailbox address. For international shipping, we are partically relying on external partners, which can cause a delay in exceptional cases.
If something went wrong with your order, please contact Polyphenolia BV by e-mail: [email protected]. We are happy to assist you.
You can post your unwanted item(s) back to us.
Once we have received your returned item(s) we will issue a refund to the payment method use to pay for the order. Please allow 7-10 days for the refund to show in your account.
You can only return an item when:
• The item is complete and unopened. The product may not have been consumed.
• The item is not damaged or broken (in original condition).
• The product is supplied with the factory packaging.
Bijlage I: Modelformulier voor herroeping
Modelformulier voor herroeping
(dit formulier alleen invullen en terugzenden wanneer u de overeenkomst wilt herroepen)
[ geografisch adres ondernemer]
[ faxnummer ondernemer, indien beschikbaar]
[ e-mailadres of elektronisch adres van ondernemer]
de verkoop van de volgende producten: [aanduiding product]*
de levering van de volgende digitale inhoud: [aanduiding digitale inhoud]*
de verrichting van de volgende dienst: [aanduiding dienst]*,
* Doorhalen wat niet van toepassing is of invullen wat van toepassing is.